
GO2BIZZ is a market place web & App, that empowers you to launch B2B and B2C multi-vendor marketplace. Our unique approach to unified marketplace infrastructure enables the speed, agility and innovation required to take over new markets.
GO2BIZZ is a highly secure platform that offers advanced features to run B2B and B2C online marketplace. It is not only a single vendor platform, but a multi-vendor marketplace which allows the Manufacturers, Traders and Wholesalers to add and list all their products and services, which in result, any buyer or customer can view and buy all their essentials from one place with the best quality and prices provided.
The platform advantages for businesses
1.Targeting thousands of businesses to market and sell their products among billions of suppliers.
2.A platform binding business directly with businesses and consumers.
3.Online trading and socializing with market at fingertips.
4.Bulk pricing discount system.
5. Stocking and inventories, live availability made easy.
6. Create categories, products catalog, and content pages.
7. Market unlimited products, display offers and promotions widely.
8. Vendor evaluation and trustable relation by counter businesses and customers.
9. Price matching criteria.
10. Customized reporting and notification system.
And more. kindly contact us for Demo
