Authenticate a MIRACL on any device

The Problem

  • Have you wanted to get rid of passwords for something more secure, but you're afraid your users would hate any MFA solution?
  • Have you looked at OKTA or Duo and thought I cannot afford it?
  • Are you trying to get Cyber insurance but the underwriters require you to use MFA on all authentications?


MIRACL's UX is so different from any other secure authentication you may have come across. It's worth mentioning that we are already deployed with Credit Agricole (PSD2 compliant e-banking) and Experian (Gov.UK Verify services) and organisations like the US Air Force, Google, Microsoft and Intel have all licensed our technology.
For more information, please email: subject: MIRACL information.
  • "MIRACL Trust ID Intro.pdf" - Overview of Trust ID
  • "MIRACL Trust ID vs SMS 2FA.mp4" - As an example here we compare against SMS OTP. 15x faster, no user distractions or confusion, maintain users' focus on your service
  • "MIRACL Three MFA Logins.mkv" - 3 different logins, native on Mobile, Desktop and any browser. Also works on smart TVs or terminals.


15x faster than other authentification solutions

No complicated passwords to remember

No password database breach possible

No credentials sent across web

No credentials stored in cloud

No hardware tokens No SMS messages