Post Pandemic Hybrid working Models

HR Analysis

Don't rush back, to "getting back to normal", set your sights on a new future, a new way of working which includes introducing automated processes. (Don't settle for the old way of working!)

Set new targets, increase KPI's.


IT Support

Sit down with line management, HR and IT and identify the things you struggled with during lock down.

Define a Productivity plan, measure it, increase your contribution to a remote team.



Identify your company IT Security policy for your job activity, its probably been overlooked whilst working from home (WFH)

Define the correct VPN connection process, log on etc... ..creating, sharing and saving your work.

Define the correct reporting structure, for weekly output.

Define the correct communication apps' you should be using regularly, to join in with meetings and events.


Agree on what security needs to be changed. How secure is your home broadband, are other users using it?


Physical Perimeter security

Do an assessment of your home security for working from home (WFH) mode. It's your responsibility to ensure company data is safe, and doesn't get in to the public domain.