Empathy, Diversity, Inclusion, Openness, Anti-bullying, & Fairness

POLICY within our Workplace / Space

Inclusivity - We employ Foreign Nationals from every corner of the World

Our teams of Contactors feel included and very much at home in the 'HUT'. We also reach out and make them feel respected, valued, paid what they are worth. Essentially, we are ONE BIG happy family, working in harmony to get the best results for your company YoY.

We don't employ on "zero hour" contracts, we need consistency of approach, all our staff are on full-time contracts over 35 hours per week.

Services Portfolio

Contractors, NEW Monthly Subscription model, or Fixed-term Contracts

Contractors for MKG., SALES, CUSTOMER SUCCESS. ERP & Supply chain dev. Warehousing, Commercial & Industrial

Monthly Subscription, FTC model

Contracting service. Our added-value Proposition. How we Operate, to increase Output, & Finished Goods.

Marketing Strategy, to Execution. Technology future proofing

Marketing Strategy, to Execution. * Technology process Implementation where needed

Sales Strategy, to Execution. Technology future proofing

Sales Strategy, to Execution. * Technology Implementation where needed

We become an Extension of your Marketing Team

Assignment of a Marketing Leader, Professional, Project Manager, & Account Manager

Business Development, Growth & Expansion (BDGE)

Business Development, Growth & Expansion (BDGE) Service for continual year-on-year (YoY) Success

Customer Retention is the End Game

End-to-End Sales Enablement (From Prospecting to Purchase Order to Onboarding & Customer Success)

Engage and take the NEXT Steps

If your wish is better Business Development, Growth & Expansion take the NEXT STEP

Why Choose Us


Business Development & Growth, Client Services

Your Growth is our GOAL!

We are excited at the thought of engaging to grow your business, whilst complementing your existing resource.

Our BD team has several years experience in making businesses more successful, especially in Marketing Ops. and Sales revenue generation. We help you identify and connect with new customers, partners, automate your processes and increase your profit margins year-on-year!

We've engaged with companies of all sizes, so we know how to help your specific business. We can help you make new connections, relations and partnerships.

The managers who will handle your marketing and sales campaigns excel at what they do. They've done great work before, and they're some of the best brains in the business.

Our specialty is identifying new customers and partners for your future success. We make sure the leads we bring you are real and genuinely interested in what you do.


High Lead Generation, and Conversion rates

We're competent at identifying potential new customers, and partners converting them into new business meetings which you run and close.

Once we find people who are genuinely interested in your offerings, we hand them over to your internal sales team so they can 'seal the deal' fast.

Some of our clients like to have visual performance dashboards made at their fingertips, so we give you access to them. These dashboards show you exactly what's happening with our marketing efforts, like how well your various campaigns are doing by sector. We set these dashboards up based on what each client wants to see, after we've worked together on an initial trial marketing campaign or project.



Multi-Channel Prospecting Activity

There are two activity types, outbound & inbound. The most important thing is to do enough of each, monitor, report on successes regularly and share them across departments.

From our experience the activity is done, but the dots are not joined up this can be achieved by using workflows and implementing technology.

Every organisation grows up using a tech’ stack, a review of what’s working, and what’s not helps to focus efforts.


What does your prospecting Activity look like?

How much of each type of activity is your company doing?

How effective is the activity type?

Where can you improve net results?

What is your lead to appt conversion rate?

How good are your sales team at closing opportunities?


What Channels can you utilise to increase New Business?

Outreach activity, outbound phone calls & email campaigns.

Social media adverts, & posts. LinkedIN, Meta (Facebook)

Online, & offline events.

Field events, & personalised workshops.

Inbound calls, & direct messaging.

Inbound email enquiries.

Web site web chat!


Sales Revenues

It’s important to identify what type of new business you are going after, new, direct, or partnering, or all?

Sales revenues will increase year-on-year, as you retain new clients, for every ten generated aim to keep seven.

Always offer to improve solutions, services, or products in an effort to retain customers.


Business Development, Growth & Expansion (BDGE)

How can you benefit from a Refreshing approach to Business Development, Growth & Expansion (BDGE)?

We work closely with you, acting as part of your existing teams in Marketing, Sales, and Marketing Operations. Our approach is personal, professional, and super effective.

When we identify something new about a potential customer, we make sure to share it with you right away so you can turn them into a new client at speed.

We team up with top experts in business growth and development to help increase your sales beyond historic results. What sets us apart from other biz development services? Well, our Sales campaign and Project managers are experienced in implementing innovative technology, new to market. They know exactly how to use such tools that ensure selling is automated and therefore faster, an example of this is sales automation software.

We take a close look at how you currently do things (processes) and suggest ways to use technology to make everything smoother and more productive for you.



Market Research - Understanding a Business Sector/Key Verticals

Market research is crucial for understanding the dynamics of a business sector, identifying key verticals within that sector, and creating detailed personas to target potential customers effectively. Here's a guide on how to conduct market research for a specific business sector, verticals within it, and personas (decision makers):

  1. Identify the Business Sector/Vertical:

    • Start by defining the broader industry or business sector you want to research. This could be technology, healthcare, finance, retail, etc... ...
    • Research industry reports, market analyses, and trends to understand the size, growth rate, and key players within the given sector.
    • Identify any regulatory or compliance factors that may impact businesses in this sector.
  2. Segment Verticals Within the Sector:

    • Break down the chosen business sector into specific verticals or niches. For example, within the technology sector, verticals could include software-as-a-service (SaaS), cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, business intelligence etc...  ...
    • Analyse each vertical's market size, growth potential, competitive landscape, and unique challenges or opportunities.
    • Consider factors such as customer needs, pain points, and buying behaviors to prioritise verticals with the most potential for your business.
  3. Conduct Persona (Decision Maker) Research:

    • Define your target audience personas based on demographics, psychographics, behaviors, and pain points.
    • Gather data through surveys, interviews, focus groups, and market research reports to understand the needs, preferences, and motivations of your target personas.
    • Create detailed persona profiles that include information such as job title, industry role, challenges, goals, preferred communication channels, etc.
    • Validate persona profiles through feedback from existing customers or industry experts to ensure accuracy and relevance.
  4. Identify Customer Journey Stages:

    • Map out the customer journey stages that personas go through when interacting with businesses in your chosen sector and verticals.
    • Identify touchpoints and interactions at each stage of the customer journey, from awareness and consideration to purchase and advocacy.
    • Determine the key factors that influence decision-making and purchasing behavior at each stage.
  5. Competitive Analysis:

    • Analyse competitors operating within the chosen sector and verticals to understand their strengths, weaknesses, market positioning, and strategies.
    • Identify gaps or underserved areas in the market that your business can capitalise on.
    • Benchmark your offerings against competitors to identify areas for differentiation and competitive advantage.
  6. Synthesize Findings and Insights:

    • Synthesize the findings from your market research to develop actionable insights and strategic recommendations.
    • Identify opportunities for innovation, product development, marketing strategies, and customer engagement initiatives based on the needs and preferences of your target personas.
    • Use data-driven insights to inform business decisions and prioritise resources effectively.

By following these steps, you can conduct comprehensive market research to gain a deep understanding of your chosen business sector, verticals within it, and the personas that represent your target audience. This knowledge will enable you to develop tailored strategies and solutions that resonate with your target market and drive business success.


Marketing Services - For Clients and Marketing Agencies

Marketing Agency Campaign Fulfilment services

If you're a Marketing agency, we've got services that can help you meet all your clients' marketing and sales campaign needs. Alternatively, if you'd rather handle things differently, we can introduce you to some technology partners who specialise in Sales and Marketing Automation software. You can then decide if you want us to implement these solutions within your Marketing agency.

Here's how it works: First, we'll talk about what you need to deliver for clients. Then, we'll set some goals for our Campaign and Project Managers, and make sure your Marketing and Sales strategy fits each client perfectly. We'll work with you for at least 3 months to achieve your client's initial goals.

In the short term, we focus on building up your clients 'top of funnel' Sales pipelines. In the long term, we aim to bring in substantial new business for your clients, whether it's directly or through our partnerships. This way, your clients internal sales teams will be able to close more new business faster and more efficiently.


Fulfilment Service for Marketing Agencies

We engage with experienced Marketing associates, and professionals who are qualified in their field of specialty. This ranges from Demand Marketing to adaptive Marketing Automation, as well as lead generation, lead nurturing or simply creating an end-to-end Sales and Marketing hub.


Our Preferred Delivery Model:

Team of 3 Managers (to Manage Marketing, Sales & Account Management activity)

Working collaboratively with the client is at the heart of communications!

Your appointed Marketing professional will be aligned with a Sales professional and an Account Manager to ensure that your lead generation process flows from end-to-end and covers your Marketing and Sales processes. We introduce an element of automation to these processes to ensure we buy you back time to focus on your core business activity that makes you money.

Peter Coward will take on a Lead delivery role for each Campaign / Project, typically with 3 professionals reporing to him for Campaign / Project progression and results; we can set up weekly, monthly,  quarterly reporting or access to dashboards to self monitor activity.

Peter has experience in business / sales development up to Enterprise level, typically dealing with boards of Directors and Senior Management teams. For developing new, direct, partner relationships. Agreeing a brief with the client and setting key goals and objectives, and ensuring the 'mix; of services provided help to improve Marketing, Sales, and Operational performance, year-on-year (YoY).


For more information contact us;

email: pro-session@smart-hutnet.uk

Lydia Coward deals with our Marketing Agency service designed for Marketing Agencies. Professional advisory sessions are organised by an administrator in our Sales Support team.


Go to Market (GTM) Strategy for launching a Software Product

Devising a GTM strategy for a software product or solution


Market Research & Segmentation:

Identify your target market segments based on demographics, psychographics, industry verticals, & other relevant factors.

Conduct thorough market research to understand customer needs, pain points, & preferences.

Analyse competitors & their offerings to identify gaps & opportunities.


Product Positioning & Value Proposition:

Clearly define the unique value proposition (UVP) of your software product.

Position your product in the market to differentiate it from competitors & appeal to your target audience.

Craft compelling messaging that communicates the benefits & advantages of your software to potential customers.


Pricing Strategy:

Determine the pricing model that aligns with your target market & product value.

Conduct pricing analysis to ensure competitiveness while maximising profitability.

Consider offering flexible pricing options to cater to different customer segments & usage scenarios.


Distribution Channels:

Identify the most effective distribution channels to reach your target audience.

Consider both online channels (e.g., website, app stores, digital marketplaces) & offline channels (e.g., retail partnerships, reseller networks) based on customer preferences & industry norms.

Develop partnerships with relevant channels to expand your reach & increase sales opportunities.


Marketing & Promotion:

Develop a comprehensive marketing plan to create awareness & generate demand for your software.

Utilize a mix of digital marketing tactics (e.g., content marketing, social media, email campaigns, search engine optimisation) & traditional marketing channels (e.g., events, print media, direct mail) as appropriate.

Leverage customer testimonials, case studies, & reviews to build credibility & trust.


Sales Enablement:

Equip your sales leader and SDR team with the necessary tools, training, & resources to effectively sell the software.

Develop sales collateral, presentations, & demo scripts to showcase the features & benefits of the product.

Implement a CRM system to track leads, manage customer interactions, & optimize the sales process. Employ SDR's to manage the CRM


Customer Success & Support:

Establish a customer success program to onboard, educate, & support users throughout their journey with the software.

Provide timely customer support through multiple channels (e.g., email, phone, live chat) to address inquiries, resolve issues, & foster positive relationships.

Collect feedback from customers to continuously improve the software & enhance the overall customer experience.


Measurement & Optimisation:

Define key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of your GTM strategy, such as customer acquisition cost (CAC), customer lifetime value (CLV), & churn rate.

Regularly monitor & analyse metrics to identify areas for improvement & optimisation.

Iterate on your GTM strategy based on data-driven insights & market feedback to drive sustainable growth.



Essential Steps of Marketing Automation - 5 Step run through

What are the 5 Steps of Marketing Automation?

Make your Marketing content the best version of content it can be, (personalised to your target persona's). Use A-B testing to see which version of content gets the best response by readers. Monitor and evaluate Marketing campaign results,

AND be prepared to change, refresh, update content any number of times so the visitor / viewer feels your business is a key business of influence, and you are the best in your field.


Stages 1-5

1. Marketing collaboration with Sales (To ensure that both business function teams are on the same page).

eMail Drip Campaigns

- 60% of your target audience will read emails - but only if your sending the right content. Profile your prospect groups with the right message, at right time! Analyse which frequency gets the best and worst response.


2. Landing pages

Up to 50% of leads submit their contact details in return for valuable content. define what the most important content is for each prospect group. Experiment what content gets the best and worse response, tailor specific content to prospect groups, experiment with A/B testing.


3. Personalisation of content

No recipient likes reading content, that feels like its meant for someone else, personalising email content can help soften the approach. Remember the recipient doesn't know you, work on building the relationship over time and don't expect or assume a contact is ready to buy immediately.


4. A/B Testing

Marketing Automation is an evolving process, but essentially you want to be creating leads and dropping them in to pots to generate revenue £££


5. Analyse, measure and report on email campaign results in the shortest possible time frame (1/2 weeks), no point in sending content that doesn't get a response, "change it up" and try again, and again. No one gets email content right first time, it could take 2 or more attemps on the same subject.



Generate, Qualify & Close more leads Automatically (well almost!)

We provide help, advice and guidance to help clients and Marketing Agencies automate their Marketing processes. We'll connect you with Act-on software or another Marketing tech vendor who will evaluate your needs and fit for their SaaS

Example of a Marketing Automation Tech Vendor

"Act-on" software is a competitive solution to "Marketo", loaded with extra functionality and benefits its suitable for end-clients as well as Marketing Agencies, who can join a Partner programme.

The biggest benefit of using adaptive Marketing Automation software, is to generate a higger quantity of qualified leads, which can be nutured and scored over time. - I mean we all crave new, regular leads in our inbox, right?

Marketo Alternatives - Act-On Marketing Automation Software

In 2018 our MD was privileged to work for ACT-on as an SDR for the EMEA region, during this time he generated new, direct and partner business for the Sales team. He has knowledge, and experience of configuring, using this smart Marketing Automation platform. He discussed the needs with prospective client end user groups, and qualified outbound leads for Enterprise sized companies, and organisations.


For more information contact us;

email: pro-session@smart-hutnet.uk



Reasons to do Business, Business Drivers

7 Reasons why a Tech' vendor would engage with SMART-Hutnet

  • To enable you to expand, increase your resources, take on more new employees.
  • To increase alliances, partners (eg achieve more market reach).
  • To generate new business, increase sales revenues, and increase bottom line profits.
  • To reach new customers / clients, markets outside your homeland geographic.
  • To enable you to reinvest profits back into your business operation.
  • To enable you to implement a new technology stack, to generate new business more quickly.
  • To reduce external RISKS (eg from competition, market or advances in technology).

Ultimately our goal is to help you become a high growth company in the shortest possible time. Why? For a few reasons, it makes your company value attractive not only in the current market, but to future potential buyers of your business. - You are not going to run it forever, right?


How does a new Client Benefit from Engaging with us?

The capital, operational costs associated with a USA or EMEA technology vendor setting up an office in the UK is prohibitive. By engaging with us we provide contractors who can perform Marketing, Sales campaign, project activity working as remote contractors, and located within the UK

A big advantage of engaging our BDGE services is that we build activity volume contributing to improving your existing Marketing, Sales, and Customer Success results, we provide this at a fixed monthly cost. This monthy cost is significantly lower than if your Hiring Managers or HR team employed full-time employees.


Years of Experience

Vendor Partnerships


Marketing & Sales Campaigns


Users of Services

Campaigns, Projects activity

Automation of processes for Marketing Success

Adaptive Marketing Automation

E Services

Structured data


Invite to engage

Email campaign Marketing

Company Performance

Company Performance - Reasons to Engage - CEO's perspective

Increase sales revenues, year-on-year (YoY). Achieve better Company performance

Generate new client, partner relationships through increased conversations, and connections.

Implement new Technology and processes to drive efficiency.

Improve bottom line profit margins.


We do the HEAVY LIFTING, you CLOSE more NEW business.


Automation of processes for Sales Success

Defining the Sales Playbook

Sales Dev Specialist

Lead Verifier


Account Manager

Inside Sales Manager

Levelling up for Business in a Giga Economy

Levelling up

Giga Economy

Making your business attractive to next Generation buyers, Decision makers

Next Generation Consumers of Services

Process Automation to make your Operations purrr!


What's the one thing your business can build in to your Operations?

Process Automation, to quicken results and ensure your Sales team have a pipeline of leads to close.

FiveCRM / HubSpot are 2 such examples of how to speed up lead generation.


Vendor selection

We work with a number of third-party vendors to ensure our clients systems and processes are maximised for maximum performance.

We conduct vendor reviews once every 3 months due to new technology entering the market.

Meet The Team

Lydia Coward_Manager of Marketing


Customer Success / Service

Digital Marketing, (our end-clients)

Marketing / Media Agencies

Communications, & PR

Advertising, Social Media / SMM

Administration & Record Keeping





Pete Coward_Director


Director of Business / Sales Development

Pro-session Team Leader

Business & Sales Development Services

Leadership & Motivating

Sales Forecasting, Sales KPI's

Marketing Budgets &

Marketing Operations

Customer Retention

Partnering & Outsourcing

Sales revenue, Performance




Sales Managers_CPA Orchestration_Leadership

Campaigns/ Projects / Assignments

Sales & Business Development

E2E Sales Cycle Enablement

Funnel & Pipeline Building

SQL & MQL SQO generation

Campaigns / Projects / Assignments

CPA Design, Roll-out, Execution

CPA Reporting

Sales revenue Execution




MKG Managers_CPA Orchestration_Leadership

 Campaigns / Projects / Assignments

* * Technology Implementation, where required

Market research, Market Analysis

Marketing Automation, Solution SW

** Marketing Process Automaton

** Integration of CRM for

MQL, SQL & SQQ generation

MKG Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E)

Analysis, Measurement

& Reporting




Commercial Manager_Finance Controller

Commercial Manager_Jon Collins, provides valuable inpu


Commercial, Legal, Compliance

Financial Reportomg, Accounting

Forecasting, Budgeting

Supply-chain suppliers

Vendors & Competitor Analysis


What People Say


Business development skill sets as an LDR EMEA.

Approach for end point security and virtual appliances.



Terry Howell ex Myriad Optima Ltd, Business Solutions

Business development skill sets.

Approach for Business Development

Newham Borough Council - 2012 Olympics GEOLogIT use cases.

Battle Baton Communicator use cases.



MasterControl INC, QMS modular SaaS

Sales Trainer, Utah city, USA

February 2020 

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